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Saab Global
LEDS 50 on CV90


陆地电子防御系统(led)是一种具有成本效益的系统, integrated, modular, 由激光报警传感器组成的主动保护系统, an active defence controller, 人机界面和效应器控制段.
LEDS 50 on CV90

Key features

The LEDS-50 solutions provide combat personnel with vital situational awareness through detection of laser means.
The solutions provide manual or fully automated responses to areas of responsibility under dynamic conditions.
Response options range from multispectral obscuration and the cueing or integration of third-party effectors, 比如远程武器站或红外干扰机.

Armoured with smartness

在当今复杂和快速变化的任务环境中, while vehicles are vital, they are also vulnerable. With LEDS you can protect your vehicles and combat personnel with efficient situational awareness on guided threat engagements as well as effective means for rapid, 完全自动或手动部署对抗措施, even under dynamic conditions.

LEDS is a completely integrated, modular active self-protection system providing a truly smart “armour” that ensures the protection needed to operate with added safety in critical and hostile environments.

Protection at the edge

In critical situations, 当挑战和风险最大的时候, 你对自我保护的要求也是最高的. With LEDS you can feel safe. Developed with Saab's proven sensor technology – in operation on a vast number of combat vehicles, warships and even one of the world’s most advanced combat aircraft – you can trust it to provide superior situational awareness, 无与伦比的生存能力和最大限度地提高任务效率所需的能力.

If detected, you can rely on protection from active countermeasure systems to mitigate the risks in hostile engagements to complete your mission and leave the engagement zone for a safe return home. The product family is based on the most modern technology available and builds upon Saab’s 30 years of successful development of land self-protection systems at the absolute edge.

Strengthen your offer

Integrating advanced self-protection systems in combat vehicles can be both complex and demanding. However, 采用星际网赌导航的led自我保护解决方案, 您为轻松和成功的集成铺平了道路.LEDS comprises fully integrated and modular world-class protection systems that will not only strengthen your offer, 同时也增强了你赢得客户的能力. 

With Saab at your side, you will access all the support and expertise you need to develop agile customised installations that fully comply with end user requirements.


The nature of war has radically changed and the philosophy to protect assets by other means to enhance survivability has equally changed. Early warning of impending engagements is the first step to casualty avoidance and automated response is the key to remain alive. 增加装甲来提高乘员和装备的生存能力已经不够了. 我们需要更聪明的手段来保护资产. Saab’s LEDS-50 intelligent soft kill solutions are active protection systems that meet future force-protection challenges.

LEDS 50 MK2 – laser detection

LEDS-50 MK2 is designed to provide crews with vitally important situational awareness of laser emissions associated with anti-armour threats and to allow rapid countermeasure response. 它构成了led的基本组成部分,并包括一个主动防御控制器(ADC)。, and a number of laser warning sensors.

LEDS-50 provides 360° azimuth coverage of a platform by using four LWS-310 laser warning sensors with inherent anti-reflection capability. 半球形覆盖可以通过增加一个LWS-500顶部攻击传感器来提供.

The LEDS advantage

  • Enhanced survivability at low cost
  • 通过自动化实现智能软杀
  • 模块化和可扩展,任务可配置
  • 容易集成与战斗管理系统,传感器套件和提示效应器
  • 通用车辆架构接口兼容
  • 与其他保护手段相比,显著节省成本和重量
  • Hemispherical coverage
  • 软杀胶机是计量口径与供应商无关的
  • 已进行客户实弹射击试验
  • 它是国际武器贸易条例(ITAR), BAFO和ISP免费

Constantly anticipating threats

威胁随着时间的推移而演变,我们不能袖手旁观,等待它们的出现. Anticipation must precede realisation. That is why Saab never slow down. 通过预测接下来会发生什么,并不断发展我们的自我保护系统, as well as inventing new ones, 我们确保你能保持领先,无论何时出现新的威胁, 你的系统将准备好并能够识别和对抗它们.

At your side all the way

At Saab, support is an integral part of our system delivery and the basis for making your systems mission ready and ensuring operational excellence.

With low life cycle costs, high availability, minimum footprint and smart upgradeability our adaptable support solutions will help you to maintain
– today and in the future.


Did you know...


  • Enhanced survivability at low cost
  • 模块化和可扩展,任务可配置
  • 容易集成与战斗管理系统,传感器套件和提示效应器
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Hannes du Preez
Marketing & Sales


Leaflets in pdf for view or download:
14 September 2020
14 September 2020

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