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The recent climate tests conducted in Belém and Salinópolis exposed the Gripen to hot and humid conditions, with temperatures reaching approximately 35ºC and humidity of 85% at sea level. 

大约20天, 鹰狮E飞机4100, used in 巴西's development and certification campaigns, 又一次遭遇了极端天气. 在这次竞选中, the aircraft flew approximately 12 hours across 10 missions in hot and humid conditions, 这是巴西北部地区的典型现象. 

“鹰狮”驻扎在贝尔萨姆空军基地, benefiting from ground support and the presence of the Saab and Embraer teams. 在起飞, the aircraft headed towards a test area over the sea near Salinópolis, 距离贝尔萨姆约160公里. We set up a telemetry station in this location to gather extensive test data,道尔顿·雷特解释道, 巴西航空工业公司负责该活动的工程师.

The tests were conducted to assess the performance of all systems under extremely hot and humid conditions, 确保系统有足够的冷却, 飞行员舒适, 以及飞机在这种环境下的整体行为. 

"Despite the challenging and rapidly changing weather conditions throughout the day, the results obtained demonstrate that the Gripen can operate without climatic restrictions from any location in the northern region,Martin Leijonhufvud说, 星际网赌导航鹰狮飞行测试中心的负责人.


在飞行测试期间, responsibilities were assigned to Embraer as part of the transfer of technology programme, aimed at enhancing the 巴西ian company's expertise in this area.

“这些测试涉及大约35人的工作, 分属巴西人和瑞典人, and were fundamental to further strengthening the partnership between Saab and Embraer. They also prepared our technicians and engineers to carry out this type of work without Saab's mentorship,雷特补充道。.



The campaign also included transonic* regime flight tests and an evaluation of the radar altimeter functionality.

"The transonic flights were conducted to assess the performance of the fighter and engine at lower altitudes, allowing the team to measure the increased heat and structural stresses on the aircraft,雅各布Högberg解释道, 星际网赌导航首席试飞员. 

与此同时, the radar altimeter test has a direct impact on several aircraft systems, 包括近地警告系统(GPWS), which is a precision anti-collision equipment for low-altitude flights. 
The fighter explored altitude ranges from 200 meters to 500 meters in the dense and humid forest to enable the team to validate the accuracy of the radar altimeter measurements in that environment.

进行的所有测试均已成功完成, consolidating another step in the global development and certification campaign of Gripen E. These tests included the carriage of a range of external store configurations, 比如IRIS-T和流星导弹, 还有油箱.

* Transonic is the transition range from subsonic to supersonic speed, approximately Mach 0.8到1马赫.2,或980至1470公里/小时的海平面.