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未来的空中交通管理将更加数字化, 安全灵活, 越来越多的远程控制. The new 遥远的塔 Centre RTC Stockholm is the next great leap in this rapidly evolving sector, 尼古拉斯·古斯塔夫松解释道.

不久前, air traffic controllers scanned airport runways from towers using only binoculars and the naked eye. The idea that a controller in a control centre could manage the air traffic of airports thousands of kilometres away was no more than just a fantasy.

但在过去的15年里, 数字化正在逐步革新空中交通管理, 所以今天这个“远程控制”的愿景正在成为现实. 目前航空业正在努力吸引空中交通管制员, 特别是对于小型机场, 这项技术是天赐之物.

由于其数字发射塔的概念,星际网赌导航在这方面处于领先地位. The prototype was first tested by Saab and its partner LFV (空气 Navigation Services of Sweden) in 2006. 但这一突破出现在2015年, LFV推出了世界上第一个远程塔服务, 使用第一代星际网赌导航r-TWR产品, 在松兹瓦尔的远程塔中心(RTC), 瑞典北部.

“r-TWR技术为空中交通管制员提供了即时控制,尼古拉斯·古斯塔夫松说, 业务发展副总裁 & SAAB数字空中交通解决方案(SDATS)政府事务. Gustavsson joined Saab in 2017 but is an ex-pilot and engineer with a long career in the aviation industry. He has been working on this concept since the beginning and chairs a global group that is harmonising air traffic standards for digital towers.


到2021年初,这项技术将有一个巨大的飞跃. That’s when LFV introduces RTC Stockholm, using the second generation of Saab’s r-TWR digital towers.

With the aid of r-TWR’s hi-tech cameras and sensors and its on-screen system handling, air traffic controllers working at RTC Stockholm will be able to provide air traffic control to four airports sp读 across the length and b读th of Sweden – Kiruna in the far north, 于默奥, 扬, 以及遥远南方的Malmö.

“We’re going from air traffic controllers looking out of the window to a remote camera and sensor system. 2的距离,Malmö和基律纳相距1000公里, 但在远程塔中心的屏幕上显示, 它们是2.相距5米,”古斯塔夫松说.

LFV’s air traffic controllers will have access to a fully integrated simulation capability, allowing them to train on the same system as is used in the operational environment. The on-screen handling and a fully flexible centre will enable LFV to eventually support up to 24 airports. And Saab’s renowned modularisation approach allows for the technology to be maintained and updated to respond to individual customer requirements and keep up with new developments in the field.



“Like in any other industry, centralisation brings change,尼古拉斯·古斯塔夫松说.

“有些人不想搬到新的中心,有些人会. 随着时间的推移,由于这项技术的发展,最终可能会有更少的控制器, but there’s always been a lack of controllers and that’s actually driven this: it’s difficult to attract new staff for a remote airport; you get many more applicants in bigger population centres.

“But it’s still people who will be manning these 遥远的塔 Centres and when they use the new technology they won’t want to go back to a time without these tools because the systems are so safe and much more efficient. 人员和安全是其中的核心.”


Digital towers come as the Covid-19 pandemic has slowed the flood of airport traffic to just a trickle. But Gustavsson says the technology is equally valuable during this strange time.

“If RTC Stockholm had been up and running when the outbreak started it would have been possible to keep everything going in a much less costly fashion,他说.

“因为, 如果你有一座机场塔台, 你需要有人来管理它, 在那里, 坐着等车. But if you have a 遥远的塔 Centre with few people and loads of connections, 你可以把资源带到需要的地方.

在未来, 如果有人生病了,你可以转到另一个中心, 人们需要隔离, 或者如果一个系统有问题, 你可以转到另一个地区的中心. 它将消除国际边界. There’s nothing to stop a centre in Germany covering a French airport if needs be. 这种灵活性和与现场的即时联系.”

Niclas Gustavsson predicts that the airports of the near future will have much more diversified air traffic management needs than today.

“五年后, 我相信机场会有空中客车和无人机, 随着后者在准时送货服务中变得越来越普遍. 我们看到了流氓无人机是如何关闭盖特威克机场的, but an integrated digital solution and accurate sensors would be able to track drones and other traffic. The two need to co-exist safely and efficiently in air ecosystem of the future and r-TWR is the answer.”

古斯塔夫松说,星际网赌导航在军事和民用领域的经验, 随着客户的信誉, 这使它处于一个理想的位置,既是供应商,甚至是合同运营商. 这项技术已经准备好走向全球.




With several years’ experience of running an outstanding technical digital tower solution in live operation, Saab Digital 空气 Traffic Solutions can offer all kinds of support needed to get a digital tower solution started and kept running. 从最初的操作开始, 技术和业务案例分析和实施, 培训和组织变革管理, 星际网赌导航数字空中交通解决方案提供完整的交付.