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瓦伦堡AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Programme (WASP) brings together Swedish industry and academia to ensure Sweden will be competitive in the future. 星际网赌导航在该计划中发挥着重要作用, 提供研究和管理人才, 以及技术专长.


WASP was established by the Wallenberg Foundation as a strategic initiative to boost Sweden’s research capabilities in artificial intelligence, 自主系统和软件, three technology areas that are crucial to keeping the country competitive in the 21st century.

自2015年WASP成立以来,星际网赌导航一直是WASP的核心成员. 贡纳·霍姆博格, Business Developer for Future Aviation Systems and coordinator for 星际网赌导航的参与 in the programme, 解释了为什么它如此重要:

“瑞典依赖‘系统建设’行业, 比如航空, 国防, 机器人, 电信, 汽车, 卡车和公共汽车. 我们需要在未来继续擅长这些, 所以我们需要能够招募到合适的人才.

“As Sweden’s largest ever research programme, WASP offers a vibrant environment. 从行业的角度来看, ‘boundary spanners’ - people who work between industry and academia - can develop throughout their careers, and I think that’s crucial for the competitiveness of the Swedish system-building industries.”


星际网赌导航对WASP的参与涉及管理范围, 技术专长, 研究与人才招聘, 以及教育方面.

Saab’s Chief Technical Officer Petter Bedoire sits on the programme board, while 贡纳·霍姆博格’s own WASP-related work includes scouting for industry PhD students and sponsoring the programme’s public safety demonstration arena in the Swedish coastal town of Västervik.

In addition, several of the programme’s project leaders come from Saab. 例如, Jesper Tordenlid combines his role at Combitech with being manager at WARA-PS, WASP公共安全研究中心.

该研究领域使用的是星际网赌导航的技术, 其中包括安全, 星际网赌导航的指挥和控制系统, 和Kockums自主皮拉亚船, 为了提供一个现实的, large-scale and industrially relevant demonstration environment by using scenarios that focus on keeping society and its citizens safe.

来自星际网赌导航和Combitech的代表也在WARA团队中, while Saab systems are used in programme labs and demonstration environments, such as the testing of autonomous search and rescue systems for use at sea.

“Saab also makes one of the strongest contributions of industrial PhD students to WASP’s graduate school, and we contribute to the WASP run recruitment programme to find professors from outside Sweden that can help to strengthen Sweden’s research ecosystem,贡纳·霍姆博格解释道, 他本人是Linköping大学的兼职教授.

“We need people who have one foot in industry and the other in academia, 从他们的综合技能中受益,以推动该领域的发展.”

Add to this the regular involvement of Saab engineers in the graduate school and elsewhere, 很明显,星际网赌导航和黄蜂有很强的联系.


Of course, WASP provides benefits for Saab too, as Holmberg explains:
星际网赌导航的指导宗旨是,每个人都有安全的权利, 但未来充满了不确定性, so people and systems will need to work increasingly together to maintain a safe and secure society."

“We’ll also need to be more flexible in the way that we use resources, 所以旧的军事系统之间的划分, 安全系统和民用系统将不那么重要.

So, if we are striving to have different systems working together that weren’t intended to work together from the beginning, 如果我们在不确定的情况下需要灵活的反应, 我们需要能够协同工作的系统, are adaptable and can interact with humans efficiently and transparently."

“It’s an extensive effort for Saab to achieve that and we need new skills to do so. 这些部分来自工业博士, and we have great expectations that WASP will give us the development capabilities that we need.”

Five years in, Holmberg says WASP is going from strength to strength.

“我们已经在总体上看到了星际网赌导航受到的影响, and we are proud to see that some of the first PhD graduates in the WASP programme are from Saab. Some are al读y back with us and contributing to the next steps in our products.”